"After reporting inappropriate physical contact/groping by another employee, I was punished by being excluded from most future performing opportunities, despite written policies condemning harassment and retaliation. I wish I could have turned to a third-party organization to help me responsibly navigate this difficult situation."
- Dean M.
In our survey amongst artists, 61.5% of non-unionized performers felt taken advantage of, discriminated against, harassed, or abused in some way. 3% declined to answer so as not to be labeled as "difficult to work with."
"When facing sexual harassment on a non-union contract, the lack of resources in place to identify and handle the situation left me feeling isolated and shamed. Having an organization like T.A.P. to listen, provide guidance, and advocate for my safety and wellbeing would make me feel more comfortable working professionally in the future."
-Jacob L.
In the same survey, only 6% felt there were adequate resources for EMC and non-unionized performers to report issues and/or seek help when dealing with a hostile work environment.
"At my workplace, I was sexually harassed, exploited for my labor, and verbally abused/bullied by my direct supervisor, which ultimately forced me to leave a contract I was initially thrilled about. The live theatre industry so often perpetuates the idea that young artists must tolerate abuse in order to succeed in the business, and that has to change."
-Anna B.
58% of performers answered that they had accepted work, despite reasons such as hostile working conditions and/or little to no pay, because they felt it was the only way to advance their career.
*These statistics are updated regularly to reflect the most up to date findings. Last updated 08/02/20.
Working artist?
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Equity, EMC and nonunion performers are all welcome and encouraged to take the survey.